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A sustainable transport strategy for Greater Cambridge

There have been many studies and papers published on various aspects of the Cambridge transport issue, some of them in great technical detail, but relatively little in the way of a holistic approach to the future of transport in Greater Cambridge. This is the gap Luca Leone has sought to fill with this article. Coming at a time when a fundamental review is taking place within local government about the future of transport in the subregion, this article seeks to offer a personal contribution to the debate.

The article proposes a strategy based on the following elements:

• a hierarchy of public transport modes: local heavy rail, light rail and buses;
• the development of the missing link within this hierarchy: a light rail system;
• the upgrading of existing modes;
• the integration of new and existing modes into a subregional network;
• traffic restraint and pollution reduction measures;
• the expansion of cycling and walking;
• the conservation and enhancement of the natural and built environment of Greater Cambridge.

The author also reflects on the opportunities and risks for the future of transport and the urban environment presented by new technologies such as the new generation of electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles.

PDF icon A sustainable transport strategy for Greater Cambridge.pdf